Environment group

Vito Emanuele Cambria – Area leader
Mail: cambriavito@yahoo.it

Michele De Sanctis
Mail: michele.desanctis@uniroma1.it

Sandro Bonacquisti
Mail: sandro.bonacquisti@uniroma1.it

Carlo Magnarapa

Fabio Attorre
Mail: fabio.attorre@uniroma1.it

Armando Montanari
He has held posts of professor of tourism geographies and human mobility and President at the Sapienza University of Rome, School of Tourism, before contributing to the establishment of SARA ENViMOB and becoming its vice-president. He has coordinated numerous European research projects in the field of human mobility and the environment. He has been the author of about three hundred scientific articles and volumes in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Japanese.
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Armando_Montanari
Mail: armando.montanari@saraenvimob.com